Final Files for final.mid

About Final.mid
Final.mid is composed of a opening glissando phrase and then has a re-occurring
theme that continues throughout the piece and a drum section that is eventually
overtaken by the instrumental section.Final.mid, bears a slight resemblance to hw4.mid.
The initial generation methods were similar, but Final.mid, took on a life of its own.
It's a fun piece and I'm glad that I had the opprotunity to work on it.

Phrase by phrase breakdown:
Ph1: stocastically generated, mixed with C-Major Pentatonic Scale and Dreary Filter.
Ph2: stocastically generated, Shortened in Stocat.
Ph3: Mix of un filtered Ph1 and un edited Ph2.
Ph4: stocastically generated and added legato.
Ph5: Mix of un edited Ph2 and Ph4.
Ph6: generated in Gliss and applied Dreary Filter. Applied Reverse and Reversed Crescendo.
Ph7: generated in Gliss and Mixed with Shuffle, Swapnote. Applied Reverse and Reversed Crescendo.
The Phrase was then Repeated.