CSC 102: How the Internet Works (Spring 2004)

Last Update: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 14:50:42 GMT

Catalog Description: An introduction to the structure, design, and operation of the Internet, including the electronic and physical structure of networks; how email and Web browsers work; domain names; mail and file transfer protocols; encoding and compression of both text and graphics; http and HTML; the design of Web pages; and the operation of search engines. Both history and societal implications are explored.
Prerequisite: basic familiarity with word processing and email.

InstructorJudy Franklin
Credits:  2
Latin Honors Designation:  M (Math);  Note that 4 credits are needed to satisfy a L.H. field. [The follow-on course CSC 105 also carries 2 credits of M.]
Dates: Tues 27 Jan-Thurs 11 Mar (first half of the semester). [CSC 105 starts Tues 23 Mar.]
Meeting Times:

Day Hours
Tues 9:00-10:20
Thurs 9:00-10:20
Thurs (lab) 1:00-2:50
The labs (approximately 20) are integrated into nearly every class. However, Thursday afternoon has more of a lab focus.
Textbook Web 101: Making the 'Net Work for You , Second Edition, Wendy Lehnert. Addison-Wesley, 2003.
         on reserve in the Young Science Library, Bass Hall.
Enrollment: Limited to 25. Can exceed this slightly, expecting drops.
Enrollment Status: full in preregistration, 5 on waiting list.
Location: Seelye 212 for all classes and labs.
Assignments:  There will be six assignments, one per week, comprising 60% of the course grade.
Quizzes: There will be six (untimed, self-scheduled) quizzes, one per week, comprising 40% of the course grade. They will be based largely on the reading, but not solely.
Grading: As just detailed, the assignments count 60%, and the quizzes 40%, of the final grade. There are no other tests, papers, or projects.

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